
Are Reptiles Endothermic Or Exothermic

Central Concepts:

  • Exothermic reactions
  • Endothermic reactions
  • Heat energy
  • Chemic reactions


A chemic modify is always accompanied by chemical reactions. In a chemical reaction, 1 or more substances combine to form a new substance entirely dissimilar in properties from the original substance. In every chemical reaction, a change in energy is involved, i.due east., energy difference betwixt the chemical energies of reactants and products. This energy can be in the form of estrus, calorie-free and electricity.

Every substance has a fixed amount of energy, which is stored in the form of potential free energy and is known as its chemical energy.

A chemical reaction requires the breaking of chemical bonds between atoms resulting in absorption of energy in the form of estrus and the formation of new bonds with the release of energy. These 2 types of energy are dissimilar from each other.

Therefore, in a chemical reaction, either energy is released, or energy is absorbed.

Chemic reactions are of two types based on the energy released or absorbed.

  1. Exothermic Reactions
  1. Endothermic Reactions

Let's learn more nigh these reactions in this session.

Exothermic Reactions

Exothermic reactions are chemical reactions that release energy in the form of heat or light.

  1. As heat is given out in the surroundings in this reaction, it causes a rise in temperature.
  1. In the exothermic reaction, energy is released because the total free energy of the product is less than the total free energy of the reactants.
  1. That means it takes less energy to break bonds in the reactants than is released when new bonds class in the product

Examples of Exothermic Reactions:

Example1. Combustion

Combustion is a process in which a substance reacts rapidly with oxygen to release oestrus and energy.

All combustion reactions are exothermic reactions.

Look at the large bonfire in theEffigy below. The combustion of wood is an exothermic reaction that releases a lot of energy equally rut and light. You can come across the calorie-free energy the burn down is giving off. If y'all were standing about the fire, yous would also feel its heat.

Burning of wood 

These reactions release fair amounts of free energy in the course of heat only also form some past-products such as fume

An example of combustion is the combustion of marsh gas that can be represented as follows:

Some other instance of a combustion reaction is the combustion of glucose, given past the following reaction:

Case 2: Neutralization Reactions

These are those reactions where acid and bases react to give salt and h2o.

Example:  When sodium hydroxide(NaOH), a base reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl), it forms salt, i.east., common salt and h2o.

This reaction produces 57.two kJ of energy for each molecule of common salt produced in the reaction. Therefore neutralization reactions are considered exothermic reactions.

Example 3: Sodium Metal in Water

The reaction of sodium metal with water is highly exothermic because enough heat is given

off during the exothermic reaction to ignite the produced Hii​(g).

The reaction is especially vigorous when warm water is used.

Sodium reacts strongly with water. The reaction tin can be written as follows:

The above modify is an exothermic reaction in which the sodium metal is heated, and it burns with a typical orange flame.

Example 3:  Making Hot Ice

Hot ice is obtained when we solidify sodium acetate from a supercooled solution.

The resultant crystals seem like water water ice, except they are hot instead of cold. This reaction is used for making the chemical hand warmers.

 Hot ice 

Case four: Detonation of Nitro-glycerine

Nitro-glycerine is one of the hottest detonating high explosives.

Nitro-glycerine has strong explosive powers, and it is used via its detonation at ordinary temperature and pressure and would occupy over i,200 times the original volume.

It detonates at temperatures upwardly to 5000 o C. Therefore, it is an exothermic reaction.

Example 5: Nuclear Fission of Uranium-235

Nuclear fission: It is the procedure in which a large nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei with the release of energy.

Nuclear Fission of the atom of uranium-235 releases more than 2.5 million times the energy of called-for coal.If one fission reaction produces 2 neutrons, these ii neutrons

 can crusade ii boosted fissions.
If those two fissions release four neutrons, those four neutrons

split other nuclei and could produce four more fissions, and

 so on, resulting in anuclear chain reaction, every bit shown in this figure.

This uranium is used in nuclear power plants where fission reaction is controlled with the help of control rods.

Some other Examples of Exothermic Reactions

  1. Germination of COtwo: When carbon burns in oxygen to grade carbon dioxide, much rut is produced.
  1. Formation of water: When hydrogen is burnt in the oxygen, water is formed, and heat is released.
  1. Germination of Ammonia: Nitrogen reacts with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst (fine powder of iron) at around 500℃ and higher up 200 atm of pressure to form ammonia.
  1. When water is added to the quick lime solution, a lot of heat is produced during the reaction with the formation of calcium hydroxide. (slaked lime)

Examples of Exothermic Reaction in Everyday Life


Respiration is a process where humans accept the oxygen and release the carbon dioxide. The chemic equation of this procedure can be written equally:


Respiration is an important exothermic reaction that occurs in every cell and gives energy to cells to maintain all the important functions of our body.

2.Burning of Candle

The burning of the candle is besides an exothermic reaction.

The candle is a paraffin wax that is made from hydrocarbons.

When the candle burns, it reacts with atmospheric oxygen and breaks hydrocarbon bonds. These changes release a good amount of energy, and therefore, it feels warm around the called-for candle.

3.Lighting of Matchbox:

Matchstick is made of phosphorous, sulphur and other substances. When the matchstick is burned, a chemical reaction between the phosphorous, sulphur and atmospheric air causes fire and releases estrus.

Other Examples: Formation of snowfall in clouds, Burning of fuels, thermite reactions,  freezing, condensation, deposition.

Endothermic Reactions

Endothermic Reactions 

A chemical reaction in which the heat is absorbed is called an endothermic reaction.

  1. This reaction causes a fall in temperature.
  1. Exothermic reactions cannot occur spontaneously.
  1. For this reaction to occur, external energy must exist supplied.
external energy

Examples of Endothermic Reactions

Example ane: Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is an endothermic chemical reaction.

  1. It is a necessary process for the plant to prepare their food by themselves.

In this process, plants use the energy from the sun in the presence of carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and oxygen.
The reaction tin can be summarized as:

sunlight + 6COii(chiliad) + H2O(l) = C6H12Osix(aq) + 6O2(g)

Instance 2: Cooking an Egg

During cooking the egg, the energy(oestrus) is absorbed from the pan to melt the egg.

Example 3: Melting Water ice Cubes

For making a cool drink, generally, ice is added. The water ice takes out the heat from the water to cook, making the drink nice and common cold.

Example 4: Evaporation of Water

Evaporation is a type of process in which a substance directly changes from a liquid state to its gaseous state.

An case of Evaporation is the drying of moisture clothes.

In this case, the water aerosol inside the dress (system) pull the heat from the surroundings. Every bit a effect, the system'southward free energy (wet clothes) increases.

Example 5: Electrolysis process

Electrolysis is a process where the decomposition of a molecule into its constituent ions takes identify by supplying electricity.

The energy required for it in this reaction is supplied externally; therefore, it is an endothermic Reaction.

Example: Electrolytic decomposition of sodium chloride into sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride.

The overall reaction is the breakdown of sodium chloride into its elements:


Other Examples of Endothermic Reactions

  1. Formation of Carbon disulphide:

Carbon is heated with sulphur at high temperatures; the production obtained in this reaction is liquid carbon disulphide.

  1. Formation of Nitric oxide:

When nitrogen and oxygen are heated together at a temperature around  3000℃, Nitric oxide gas is formed.

  1. Decomposition of Calcium Carbonate:

When Calcium carbonate is heated, it decomposes into CaO and carbon dioxide when information technology is heated at 1000℃.

Some other examples: Splitting a gas molecule, Blistering breadstuff, Sublimation of dry ice, melting solid salts. Dandy of alkanes, melting ice, Evaporation of h2o

Divergence Between Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions


  • In every chemic change/ reaction, alter in energy is involved.
  • Chemical reactions are divided into ii types depending on the energy released or absorbed.
    • Exothermic Reaction
    • Endothermic Reaction
  • Exothermic Reaction: A reaction where the energy is liberated in the class of heat, light, is called an exothermic reaction.
  • It causes an increase in the temperature.
  • This reaction occurs spontaneously.
  • Endothermic Reaction: A reaction where the oestrus is captivated southward called an endothermic reaction. Information technology causes a fall in temperature.
  • This reaction is not-spontaneous since the energy must be supplied from outside to go along with this reaction.

Are Reptiles Endothermic Or Exothermic,


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